Good news everyone! Azure DevOps now supports VMSS as agent.
In this series of posts, we’ll cover:
First, let’s install Azure CLI.
We can now create the VMSS. This is super simple!
For a VMSS, you’ll need :
Get your subnet ID by adding /subnets/nameofyoursubnet after the ID of the VNet or by using Azure CLI:
az group create --name $vnetRgName --location $location
subnetId=$(az network vnet subnet list -g $vnetRgName --vnet-name $vnetName --query "[?contains(name, '$subnetName')].id" -o tsv)
Now, set a default username, a name for your VMSS, a resource group (it needs to exist before this command) and the subnet ID you got just before.
az group create --name $rgName --location $location
az vmss create \
--admin-username $user \
--authentication-type SSH \
--disable-overprovision \
--image UbuntuLTS \
--instance-count 2 \
--load-balancer "" \
--name $vmssName \
--nsg "" \
--platform-fault-domain-count 1 \
--public-ip-address "" \
--resource-group $rgName \
--single-placement-group false \
--storage-sku Standard_LRS \
--subnet $subnetId \
--upgrade-policy-mode manual \
--vm-sku "Standard_D2_v3"
And voilà, you have your VMSS. You need to make sure this VMSS can access internet on 80/443 TCP and you’re good to go. We’ll talk security later.
Go to you Azure DevOps portal, at the root (not in a project) and go to the organization settings.
Now, in the left menu, select Agent pools under Pipelines and click on Add pool.
Select Azure virtual machine scale set as type, select a projet (this is needed to store the SPN, see this projet like to mother projet of the scale set. You can the project were you’re gonna store the code of this lab), the Azure subscription where the scale set has been created and finally, the scale set.
Now, you can give it a name, put the min/max number of instances and the idle time. The 3 values can be changed later on.
Azure DevOps is now the owner of the scale set. An extension will be added to install and configure the agent every time an instance is fired up. If you go on your VMSS, you’ll the first 2 instances getting deleted and 3 new ones being provisioned. They’ll be killed after the idle time so, do not worry too much about the cost here.